Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Recipe for Overcoming any Challenge

The other night, while lying in bed, I prayed and asked for clarity, "What is my next step?" I have so many fun projects and ideas that pull me in different directions. A story told by Stephen Covey popped into my head:

A prominent church leader visits a large assembly of young missionairies. One missionary asks, "What is the most important commandment to follow?

The leader looks him in the eye and says, "The one you are struggling with the most..."

Suddenly, I had my answer: focus on the dissertation.

To some, that may seem an obvious answer, since after all, I am working on finishing my PhD this year, yet it seemed a revelation to me because after all, it was the most difficult task before me. 

I am almost finished with this baby--write an introduction and conclusion and revise the entire book. The end is in sight, yet crafting an introduction is seemingly insurmountable. This is a familiar pattern for me: whether it is the newness of writing a 5-page paper as an undergraduate or writing an introduction for a book, I am weighted by the fear of the unknown.

I'll share with you my process of creation (using the Law of Attraction or what I call the Law of Creation), something I first read in Carol Tuttle's Remembering Wholeness. I wrote a letter to my angels to assist me in creating this dissertation. I write the letter as a petition, in present tense, as if it has already happened. (By the way, I write to my angels and my Father in Heaven because that fits within my belief system, but I also believe that any acknowledgment of a Higher Power and the Universe will work, because God in His Infinite Mercy works with His children on their terms, if He is somehow acknowledged...)

I wrote a creation plan, and it helped some. I was able to write a couple more pages on Friday, but writing still felt like wading through molasses.  Obviously, I still have some blocks. But this weekend, I realized... I was not focused on the end result, the feeling of excitement and relief I feel when I finish the introduction, as well as the sense of accomplishment when earning my PhD. I was not tuned into the reason I am doing this in the first place. 

Part of practicing the Law of Creation is creating the high-vibration energy and feelings, as if the end result has already happened. The idea is what we vibrate, we attract to us...

I know this process works because it has worked for my husband's career moves, our relocation, buying a home, and creating the life we want here. But this is my current challenge. I would love to hear how others practice this Law of Creation to create the life of their dreams.

Below, I've included how I wrote a creation plan. It is intended as a sample, for someone who has never written one before, or would like ideas on how to write affirmations specific to our goals. These affirmations might also be useful to other energy coaches whose clients are writers. The universe obeys our thoughts, so the more specific the better....

Part I: Dissertation: Creation Plan

I sit down in front of the computer and words and ideas come to me effortlessly.
I have fun on this project. I am in the zone. Time just flies by--I lose track of time. I am in my groove when writing. I experience writing as an effortless process.
I receive all the Heavenly Assistance I need to make this chapter a brilliant chapter.
I am plugged into the universe's well of ideas.
I easily comprehend the necesary theoretical concepts that I need for my project. I define my keywords and terms succinctly, brilliantly, and persuasively.
I intuitively know how to build my argument, what the next step is.
I develop my argument so that it is persuasive, stunning and clear.
This dissertation is worth my time, my effort, my creativity, and my resources.
When I write, I am aligned with my Father's will. My work and purpose is to glorify Him. My success is His success. This dissertation allows me to accomplish my goal of a purposeful, successful life that influences and inspires others. My success in this project is an inspiration to others. I simply show up and write, and I am channelling the universe's intelligence. I intuitively know what theorists and books to go to for my own work. I easily grasp the necessary concepts and explain them well. I use my reading and research time efficiently. I am immersed in my writing project. I concentrate on my dissertation easily.

Here's Part II to the Law of Creation:
The joy I share with my husband and family when we celebrate my graduation. The freedom I feel when closing this chapter on my graduate career. The pride I feel with my husband in this journey we walked together. The thrill of traveling back to Austin with my family to celebrate this milestone. The assurance I show to my children of realizing dreams. The deep sense of gratitude I feel for my Father in Heaven and all His mercy in leading me along the way, even when it seemed impossible.

Part III: Express gratitude as if it is finished.
Thank Thee, Heavenly Father for making this possible. Thank Thee for all Thine assistance in writing this dissertation, all the resources Thou hast provided me in allowing me to focus on my studies, my research, and my writing, Thank Thee for carrying me along, when I felt weak. I am so thankful for the abundant love, resources, and mercy Thou hast so generously provided me. I am humbled to see the fruition of this dream come true.

Declare: It is finished.


  1. I dont think that anybody besides yourself is interested in this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I revised the post a bit to make it more reader-friendly. The creation plan is not meant to be riveting reading, but a model for others to look at if they have never tried this technique before. Sometimes, it takes practice to write detailed affirmations.

  4. I really liked this post Tera. It was an interesting read for me because you defined some things that I think about but have never put into words and I liked being able to read my thoughts. It's like finding a passage in a book that makes you take a big breath of air or stop reading because you feel like an idea has opened before you. my suggestion, not that I'm a writer but I used to be okay at it and had some of the same places as pauses during my writing cycles, is to just write something...even if it isn't what you want to start with because it gives you something to put there and then the more you look at it the more you will know what you REALLY want to say. Maybe that will work for you. I always had to do this cause I hated introductions...I just couldn't make them moving. Anyway, GOOD LUCK!
